R012 Features
Take a look at the exciting new features & changes that were added in the R012 update, including "Watch From Start" & "Watchlist"
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Never miss the start of a Sky Movie again.

Watch From Start

Never miss the start of a Sky Movie again if your Sky+HD box is connected to broadband.

When selecting a Sky Movie that has already started, after the Search & Scan banner has dissapeared a message will appear in the bottom left of the screen prompting you to press Green to Watch from Start.

Once Green is pressed the box will then start downloading the movie from OnDemand and play it back.

If the movie is available in both SD & HD OnDemand then depending on what your Sky+HD boxes “OnDemand Download Format” settings is set to the box will either:

• Give you the option to “Download in HD” or “Download in SD".
• Or automatically download your preferred format.

If the movie has been pushed to the boxes reserved storage by Sky then playback will begin instantly.

If you dismiss this message by pressing Back Up you can still Watch From Start by pressing Select to display the Search & Scan banner and then pressing Green. (Select then Select again if the movie has been pushed to the box.)

Supported on:

DRX890 & DRX895 Sky+HD Boxes

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Keep track of Sky Movies your interested in with Watchlist.


A ‘Watchlist” tab has been added to the Sky Movies section.

You can add movies to your Watchlist from the Sky Movies sections by pressing Green when a movie is highlighted. You can then press the Green button again to “Go to Watchlist”.

Movies in your Watchlist will be displayed in the order in which they were added to the list, with newest added first. However while in the Watchlist tab you can sort your Watchlist by pressing the Blue “Sort” button and selecting one of the following options:

A-Z: Sorts your Watchlist by alphabetical order.
Oldest: Sorts your Watchlist by oldest added item first.
Recently Added: Sorts your Watchlist by most recently added first.
Age Rating: Sorts your Watchlist by the movies age rating, with lowest rating.

When a movie in your Watchlist is expiring within 30 days, a countdown will be displayed beneath the movies cover art indicating the number of ‘days left’.

When you playback a recorded/downloaded Sky Movie from your planner or Watchlist it will be removed from your Watchlist.

Supported on:

DRX890 & DRX895 Sky+HD Boxes

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Find similar movies with More Like This.

More Like This

When browsing the Sky Movies or Sky Store sections you can now view similar movies to the currently highlighted movie by pressing the Yellow “More Like This” button.

The highlighted movie will then be displayed on the left with four similar movies displayed alongside. You can even select ‘More Like This” on movies in the More Like This Results!!

Supported on:

DRX890 & DRX895 Sky+HD Boxes

Movie Ratings
Star ratings provided by Rotten Tomatoes are now displayed within the Sky Movies and Sky Store sections.

If a rating is available this will be displayed where the Sky Movies/Sky Store text is normally displayed beneath the movies cover art.

Ratings are between 0 and 5 stars, with half stars available.

Supported on:

DRX890 & DRX895 Sky+HD Boxes

Sports is Back
An option to choose whether the Kids tile or Sports tile is displayed on the Sky+HD homepage has been added at: Options > Customise > Homepage Personalisation.

Supported on:

DRX890 & DRX895 Sky+HD Boxes

From Planner
In the Sky Movies section you can now find all your Recorded & Downloaded Sky Movies in the new “From Planner” tab.

Sky Store purchases will also be displayed in this tab.

Supported on:

DRX890 & DRX895 Sky+HD Boxes

PIN Reset Shortcut
When prompted to enter your PIN by the Search & Scan Banner or an On Screen Message there is now an option to press Red to reset your PIN.

This will take you to the interactive PIN reset application.

Supported on:

DRX890 & DRX895 Sky+HD Boxes