Whats New
  • Adds support for Sky Wireless Connector Mini.
  • Box Office purchases and Interactive Services can now be processed via the Internet connection.
  • The process of pairing a Sky Viewing Card to the SkyHD box has been simplified. When a Sky Viewing Card is inserted into the box which isnt paired to it a popup will be displayed on screen prompting the user to press Select to pair the card to the box. This feature requires either and internet or telephone line connection to the box.
  • An option to disable the BackUp to TVGuide feature introduced in R009 has been added and can be found at Options > Customize > BackUp to TVGuide.
  • The Manual Tuning options have now been extended, the following new options are now available in the Add Channels tab:
    • Symbol Rate - 22.0 to 29.5
    • FEC - 1/2 to 9/10
    • Standard - DVB-S or DVB-S2
    • Modulation Scheme - QPSK or 8PSK
  • Firmware rollout commenced Thursday 14th August 2014.
  • DRX595 SkyHD boxes do not support the new photo viewing feature.