What's New - Page 1
    Sky+ Planner
  • Recordings and downloads in your planner will now be listed in the order of newest first.
  • Scheduled recordings and reminders are now displayed in a dedicated "Scheduled" tab to the right of "All" in the planner.
  • Smart Series Links will also be listed in the "Scheduled" tab allowing you to manage existing Smart Series Links when a series is on a break. These links can be identified by "New Series" text instead of a scheduled recording date.
  • You can now delete an entire series stack or all viewed episodes in a stack from your Sky+ planner by pressing the yellow "Delete All" button and selecting either "Delete all VIEWED" or "Delete All".
  • Series stacks now ignore the "New:" prefix added to program titles.
  • The planner tabs have been slightly reorganized, the order is now as follows: All, Scheduled, Deleted, Downloads, Purchased, Kids, Entertainment, Movies, Docs, Sport, Lifestyle, News, Music.
  • OnDemand
  • The Sports tile on the Sky+HD homepage now contains a "OnDemand" tab for sports OnDemand content.
  • Movie trailers are now displayed in full screen instead of the Mini-TV.
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